PrintMap Powershell script VBS logon Printmap printer mapping solution  
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Improve Logon Time

The normal printer mapping techniques employed in the industry are not designed for speed. Typically users are organized into AD groups, and then a script cycles through checking to see which printer(s) need to be assigned. This can mean a at logon a user is checked against 100's or 1000's of AD groups to find the 1 group that he actually requires.

Printmaps technique performs a per user query. So each user performs 1 query and the result is a list of their required printer assignments.

This results in a faster logon as less processing is performed. This is also reduces the overhead within the environment as logon time.

Printmaps mapping technique performs a Diff check on each logon to improve performance even further by ensuring it does not remap existing printers, while also removing any that are not assinged ensuring a clean printer list.

In Summary PrintMap Delivers

Improved Logon Speeds

Reduce Active Directory queries

Reduce resource usage during peak periods

Provide consistent printer mapping




'Scripts that check AD group memberships, are not efficient'


PrintMap Admin Console Printer assignments


'No more scripting required'